Gehrke's Gink Floatant this is the fly Floatant that became so popular with fly anglers in the 90's and is now regarded as one of the best Floatants available in the world.
Instructions to use are varied, anglers new to the scene are generally advised to put a small amount onto your fingers and rub or massage the fluid in to their dry flies however if a little is put on the back of your hand and then rub it in with your fingers which saves unwanted excess floatant on your fingers affecting the leader etc. Your dry flies will float for hours, however if they do start sinking just repeat the process. Gink, like Xink can also be used on tippets, fly line etc.
Gink is argueably the most important product in any fly-fisherman's armoury and is claimed to used by more fly-fishermen than any other dressing in the world.
Gherkes Xink
Although claimed to be the fastest sinkant in the world it is disputedly the the only patented fly sinkant. Certainly one of the most popular treatments available to the fly fisher along with its "sibling" the well know floatant Gink. Most anglers will have used either Gink and Xink at some time on their fishing adventures. A good tip is to put little Xink on to the leader several feet behind a floating fly, this help the leader break through the surface film, making it less visible to the fish from below.